Sunday 10 May 2015

photo feature about corruption in Pakistan

These graphs and charts show how corruption damage our society. corruption is the major phenonmon of our country Pakistan. Our government is also corrupt.corruption damage our country socially,economically,culture, growth rate of pakistan.
Pakistan is high ranking on corruption  index
corruption fared in the Pakistan by provincially and countrywide responses

In Pakistan police is high rank in corruption 

Pakistan GDP rate according to different eras

Corruption rate in diffenent departments of Pakistan

Loss of economy due to corruption and bad governance in Pakistan

Corruption rate in different regimes of presidents in Pakistan

Socio-economic status of Pakistani due to corruption

National Accountability Bureau works on Coruption

interview of D.G Anwer Kursheed of anti corruption department

1.What is the reason of corruption in Pakistan?

Corruption is a process of decay which can never be completely remove from the society. Some of the most basic causes of corruption in Pakistan are low salaries, insufficient accountability, habit, culture, monopoly of power, transparency problem, red tape. Lack of honesty and integrity
In society. So corruption is to be done everywhere. Everyone wants to fulfill their needs or to get success so corrupt ways are used for that so you find corruption on all levels that’s why there are so many reason of corruption.

2.What is the types of corruption?

Type of corruption indulged in. For example Corruption and corrupt practices, Misuse of Authority, Bank default and Loan write off.

3.What is the impact of corruption in our society?

Corruption has direct relevance with the standard of governance.
In Social sphere, corruption discourages people to work together for the common good. Frustration and general apathy among the public result in a weak civil society. Demanding and paying bribes becomes the tradition. It also results in social inequality and widened gap between the rich and poor.

4. What is the ratio of corruption in Pakistan?
Pakistan loses up to seven billion rupees daily to corruption.Pakistan’s GDP in 2011 was $211.1 billion, which would make losses of $61 million a day equal to around 10 per cent of GDP.Pakistan needs immediate enforcement of good governance and Transparent administration to counter the acute problems
 5.What is imprisonment of corruption in Pakistan?

 Under the NAO, if someone is caught for the offence of corruption, he is made punishable living in Pakistan, except serving personal’s of the armed forces of Pakistan and judiciary.

6. what is the role of anti corruption agencies in Pakistan?

For many years, the anti corruption policy makers were thinking of establishing law and enforcement agencies to deal with corruption. The people of Pakistan also advocated the establishing of such agencies and hence some agencies came into existence with the primary role of curbing corruption in Pakistan. Today Pakistan has six anti corruption agencies, two at the federal level and four at the provincial level. In addition to these agencies there are three laws and three sets of courts related to anti corruption.

 7.What is the objectives of anti corruption department?
Setting in motion systemic improvements that will strengthen the national integrity system and the people against corruption. The elimination of corruption by engaging all the stakeholders in the fight against corruption, through a programme, which is holistic, comprehensive and progressive.

8. What is the cure of corruption in Pakistan?
Corruption was not seen as a systemic failure but as behavioral problem with certain individuals. Hence anti-corruption was primarily seen as a matter of enforcement of law on some miscreant individuals. No organizational or structural reforms were thought as necessary to stop corruption. The law was used against petty officials but no big fish was caught. Lack of resources, selectivity, reliance on police and ignoring prevention.

Killing corruption in Pakistan

Corruption has become one of main causes, why our country is not progressing today. Corruption has become a curse on us for not establishing an ideal Islamic democratic system in Pakistan.
Pakistani society has been merged into the corruption. Root causes of corruption in Pakistan can be detected easily.  its relatively easier to detect the causes, but extremely difficult to eradicate them. The main reason why Pakistan is merged into corruption is the absence of fundamental lack of justice . One of the reasons why Pakistan could not establish the ideal Islamic system, was because if this country could establish the ideal system for which it was born. Our society is facing a very  grave problem of corruption that has threatened basic foundations of society. This is one of the most serious problems which are not natural disaster. Corruption is the cancer that will spread all the socio-economic and political achievements.
The major reasons of fast creeping corruption are political instability, poverty unequal structure of society, unemployment, lack of accountability, weak political institutions and absence of role of law. Its undermines democracy, hinders in good governance and weakens the democratic institutions. Increase in corruption in any society is inversely proportional to good governance.
If these suggestion and practical meaures are taken, the chances of corrruptioncan be cured to reasonable extent. Institutions should be made strong for proper working of the democratic system. Proper system of accountability and check and balance should be implemented. Justice delayed is justice denied. In time justice can minimize corruption practices.
Salaries and wages should be increased in order to decrease the chances of corruption. Education system must be improved according to national needs. Stable governments are essential to prevail justice and to uproot corruption and public awareness must to eliminate corruption.
If Pakistan today wants to get rid of corruption, it must follow the true Islamic system of living. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) should be the role model and Islamic society should be the ideal society for us. Then the world will see Pakistan rising from the darkness into the light with support and blessings of the prophet and help of the Almighty Allah. Then we would not only reduce corruption but also reduce many similar evils from our society.

Quaid-i-Azam once said in the then Indian national assembly prior to partition that, “One of the biggest curses from which India is suffering – I do not say that other countries are free from it, but, I think, our condition is much worse, is bribery and corruption .If we could not follow Quaid’s instructions, than we would be bound to have the corrupt system for the next many generations.
In order to eliminate corruption from its roots, we must undo its causes. True Islamic system based on democracy should be implemented. There should be a political stability inside the country. Power politics should be put to an end.
Poverty should be reduced from our society. Job opportunities should be given to every citizen of Pakistan. Lastly, the common population of Pakistan who is suffering from corruption should stand united against the corruption. If we do so, then the day will not be far away when corruption will be wiped out from the entire country. But if we act in a same divided, depressed way, then the society will eat us all .